R.E.M.’s Michael Stipe has spoken out about the recent removal of a clip advertising the band Perfume Genius’ new album Put Your Back N 2 It. The 16 second clip features two gay men holding each other romantically.
The advert was deemed by YouTube managers as inappropriate, stating that it ‘violates our Adult Image/Video Content policy.’ Now, Stipe has expressed his disgust at its removal of the video, along with the band’s label, Matador Records.
YouTube’s statement:
The ad has been disapproved because it violates our Adult Image/Video Content policy. Per this policy, video content, audio, static imagery, and site content must be family safe. Any ads that contain non family safe material are disapproved… the overall feeling of the video is one of a more adult nature, including promoting mature sexual themes and what appears to be nude content. As such, the video is non family safe. In order to have this video ad approved, you will need to bring it into compliance with our policy.
Stipe, who has become increasingly vocal about all the anti-gay bigotry over the past few years, came back with this statement:
I’ve been listening to the new Perfume Genius record all last week in Mexico, it is a beautiful and amazing record and a stunning 2nd album and achievement. But in trying to advertise the record and first video, this short clip has been banned by YouTube. For YouTube to deem this advertisement as “non family safe” is dumbheaded discrimination; I find their actions in doing so disgraceful and cowardly. YouTube, shame on you. You were born of the 21st Century, now act like it.
Here is the “offensive” video
Fairly tame compared to some of the stuff you can find on the “wrong side of YouTube”.