And the last horse crosses the line! Just kidding Perth, you guys are cool. Much like the other major cities before you, it is now your time to begin planning your day for when the Soundwave circus rocks into town on Monday, 4th March.
By now you will probably have a good idea of what to expect in terms of clashes. Chances are that like the rest of us, you’ll need to choose between either Metallica or Blink/The Offspring, but also like the rest of us, you’re going to have an amazing day planned for you regardless.
It will be a hard-earned event for Perth after councils and organisers went head-to-head over the location, and the franchise’s history in Western Australia was at one point under threat, but it has fortunately all come together right in time.
Some of the timetables that were already released were slightly amended. But don’t panic, come showtime things will probably be a little less structured, hopefully resulting in enough of a shift to make your day all fall into place.
Here it is!
Update 22/02/2013: Final timetable is below
Monday, 4th March Perth – Claremont Showground