Sydney Festival Is Recruiting 100 Guitarists For An Orchestra Of Rock

Attn: shredheads and riff-masters of Sydney, here’s your chance to perform at next year’s Sydney Festival as part of a 100-headed guitar monster.

Legendary American avant-garde composer Rhys Chatham is recruiting a battalion of string-slingers to bring his 100-piece composition ‘A Crimson Grail’ to life for a Harbour Bridge-rattling performance at net year’s event.

And because he couldn’t squeeze a 100-piece band in his carry-on baggage, the virtuoso is putting the call out to guitarists and bassists “of all styles, skills and ages”  across the city to volunteer to get involved.

Here’s the fine print: you need to have basic music-reading skills, plus your own guitar and amp. You’ll also need to be able to commit to three evenings of rehearsal (the 9th, 10th & 11th of January and two full days for the performances (12th and 13th of January).

Sound like a good time?

You can apply here before November 8th, with successful entrants to be contacted before November 15th.

Happy shredding!

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