The Amity Affliction Frontman Unleashes On Record Label Via Twitter ‘Fuck You Roadrunner’

Love them or hate them, The Amity Affliction have had an immeasurable influence in putting Australia on the heavy music map. The post-hardcore group’s latest release, Chasing Ghosts, went gangbusters all over the world, though by the sound of things, that didn’t impress their record label.

There have been signs before of tension between the band and their current record label and metal institution Roadrunner Records; however, the recent outburst from frontman Joel Birch is the first sign of serious bad blood since they inked the contract earlier this year.

While it’s impossible to tell what really went down, Birch was infuriated, and a bit drunk, after his band was put on the backburner while the record label tended to the financial needs of a band on a lower tier. No names are mentioned and the tweets have since been removed by Birch, who himself labelled them as ‘pretentious’, and covered his tracks by bringing up the explosive topic of religion. His feed was then inundated with tweets on the topic.

According to The Music Network, TAA are currently touring through the USA with Glass Cloud, Miss May I, The Ghost Inside and Like Moths to Flames – so there’s a good chance it could involve one of them, though we will probably never really know.

We managed to ‘borrow’ the below screenshots from the cats at The Music Network, which you can check out below. It is no surprise that Crafter pops his head up at one point.

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