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Watch D’Angelo’s Incredible Prince Tribute On Fallon And Try Not To Bawl

If you can watch D’Angelo‘s stunning Prince tribute performance on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon and not tear up then chances are you’re already empty inside.

Those who do have souls however will likely need more than just a few Kleenex at the ready when they hit play on this truly moving tribute to The Purple One.

Bathed in purple light, D’Angelo honoured the fallen musical genius with a stunning piano rendition of his Parade song Sometimes It Snows in April – which is as apt as it is heartbreaking.

Backed by SNL‘s Maya Rudolph and Gretchen Lieberum, who’ve long-performed Prince covers under the name “Princess”, the Bluesfest 2016 artist even changed the song’s lyrics at one point, singing: “I often dream of heaven/ I know that Prince is there”.

So if you need an emotional catharsis today Prince fans, here it is. Be warned, if the tears hadn’t started yet, the five minute mark will get you there.

Meanwhile other heartfelt tributes are continuing to flow in for heaven’s new purple angel. To stay up to date with all the latest info, check out our official Prince Feed.

Watch:  D’Angelo Feat. Princess – Sometimes It Snows In April

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