Wayne Coyne Collaborates Song With ‘Uninvited’ House Visitors

Wayne Coyne awoke to his 51st birthday last week to find a trio of uninvited guests knocking at his door bearing a birthday gift. Rather than saying thanks and shutting the door on them, Coyne decided to invite them in, where they ended up spending several days in his home helping to record a song and make a music video.

Nick Logie of the Los Angeles alt-rock quintet Telegram, his girlfriend Ashleigh Allard, and their friend Adam Ashe had driven across America to give Coyne a copy of an album that Logie and Allard had finished recording as a present for his birthday…

Coyne tweeted a photo of the trio along with the comment, “Some weirdos showed up on my porch … They drove all the way from LA to bring me a birthday gift!!!”.

He invited them in, saying “You guys look like weirdos! Come inside, just please don’t kill me.”

Coyne’s address is not secret, and he gets visitors from time to time, but does not encourage them. But in the case of having visitors from across the country, he thought it might be best to accommodate them.

Over their stay, they were shown around his compound, had a party, managed to record a song with Coyne and make a music video with him. Logie described the whole experience as “Surreal. We’re still processing it.”


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