Winning Flinders Street Station Redesign Includes Live Music Facilities

The winner of the esteemed Flinders Street Station redesign competition has been announced today, with the judges’ choice including a large plaza and amphitheater with seating and performance space opening up to the Yarra River, as well as rooms set aside to house performances for Melbourne’s festivals.

The official merit descrirtion of the winning design, a joint effort by Melbourne and Swiss firms HASSELL and Herzog & de Meuron, draws attention to the fact that “a permanent home for arts and cultural festival organisations” is provided for, surely making it attractive for the city of Melbourne. The designers also say the new look Flinders Street “underscores its central civic nature with new cultural and public functions for all residents and visitors to Melbourne”.

This should be music to Melburnian gig goers’ ears, especially in light of recent plans to demolish one of the city’s best-loved music venues, the nearby Palace Theatre, to build a luxury hotel.

But there’s no guarantee that the redesign will be implemented, with the rules stating the State Government has up to two years to decide whether or not to go ahead with the blueprint.

If the new set-up does proceed, the station will also include bars, cafes and retail outlets, as well as an iconic vaulted roof. HASSEL + Herzog & de Meuron won $500,000 for their efforts, with the design being the unanimous pick from the judges, as well as being a favourite of the National Trust.

(via The Age)

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