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Two Hectic Mass Street Brawls Erupted Outside Sydney & Melbourne Live Music Events Last Night

Sydney and Melbourne police have had their hands full AF overnight dealing with two mass violent street brawls that erupted in the streets of each city’s CBD, with original reports indicating that hundreds of people were involved in both.

According to numerous media outlets including SMH and Nine News, the Sydney punch-on started in a laneway just outside iconic music venue The Metro Theatre before spreading to surrounding streets.

Police say the fight broke out at around 3am, just as the venue was shutting up for the night following a benefit concert for cyclone-devastated Fiji, causing crowds to spill out onto the streets.

(NB: crowds often “spill out on to the streets” of Sydney at this time anyway due to the CBD’s controversial 3am last drinks laws).

Police originally reported that 200 people were involved in the mass throw-down, but they’ve since drastically reduced that number to just 30.

According to the updated statement from NSW Police media, the violence exploded into smaller skirmishes across George Street, Central Street and Pitt Street:

Additional police from Kings Cross Local Area Command and Surry Hills Local Area Command were called in to help disperse several affray incidents involving about 200 30 people and move crowds from the area.

Two men – aged 18 and 24 – have been charged with assaulting police and resisting arrest, while two others were issued with criminal infringement notices for offensive behaviour.

While south of the border in Melbourne, another crazy-ass street brawl broke out in Federation Square, scaring the fuck out of attendees at the city’s annual Moomba festival who’d been spending the day enjoying artists like Briggs, City Calm Down and British India.

The ABC reports the melee was the result of around 100 people from two rival gangs clashing in the streets.

Their violent feud broke out at around 8pm and shut down parts of the CBD and the tramline for up to two hours, with police forced to use capsicum spray and batons to break up multiple brawls.

Terrified Moomba revellers were reportedly forced to take cover as gang members provoked police and bystanders on the corner of Swanston and Flinders streets.

“Chairs were picked up and chairs were thrown from these gangs of people — there was glass being thrown, it was scary,” one witness told the ABC. “It was disgusting; I am ashamed to be a Melburnian with that going on.”

Four people have been arrested so far, while one person was rushed to hospital with serious head injuries.

A number of robberies and an assault were also reported in the area at around the same time.

It all begs the question… what the actual fuck was in the air last night?!?

Check out footage of Saturday night’s mass brawls in both Sydney and Melbourne below.

Watch: Huge brawl breaks out on street in Sydney CBD

Watch: Moomba FedSquare Gangs

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