Slipknot’s Next Album Is Coming Much Sooner Than You Think

Slipknot fans will not have to endure the same excitingly long wait for the band’s next album as they did for their latest one according to guitarist Mick Thomson, who says they plan on getting to work on their next record soon after touring .5: The Gray Chapter.

“We hope to do our next record sooner after touring .5,” Thomson told Music Radar. “We don’t want to spend the same amount of time between albums as we’ve done with the last two,” he added as collective sighs of relief from Slipknot fans across the world could be heard.

Thomson said that modern technology means that band members can now write while on the road which should speed up the album making process. “This record had a weird songwriting process. We ended up in the studio sooner than we had intended. Jim and Corey had a bunch of stuff demo’d, and other stuff came together in the studio,” he explained.

“But we didn’t have an ‘all-in-the-same-room’ jamming thing that we hoped for. But we didn’t need it. The first two records, we wrote shit together in a basement. Now everyone has identical Pro Tools setups on their laptops, so we can work on stuff while we’re touring.

“It enables us to have songs in the can already before we go in a studio to work on a new album.” Added guitarist Jim Root, “I’m constantly writing, maybe a little more than other guys in the band. I find it a very therapeutic thing to do on the road, where you’re estranged from your hobbies.”

Slipknot will of course be in Australia shortly to headline Soundwave Festival 2015 and by the band member’s accounts could get some writing done whilst basking in the Australian sun between sets. They will also of course showcase their new record, six years in the making, as well as their two new band members, unofficially revealed to be bassist Alessandro Venturella and drummer Jay Weinberg.

Photos: Slipknot – Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne 01/03/2012

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