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Triple J Brekky Host Liam Pretended To Be A Producer So He Could Meet The Arctic Monkeys

Liam Stapleton, whom you probably know as one half of triple J breakfast duo Ben & Liam, has successfully pulled off an elaborate scheme to meet the Arctic Monkeys (and not seem like a total fanboy in the process).

The Brit-rockers — who are currently touring Australia — trotted into JJJ HQ for a chat with arvo hosts Veronica & Lewis on Friday.

So Liam, renowned master of disguise, pulled at 12 hour day at the studio just so he could be there to masquerade as the pair’s executive producer and sneak into the room undetected during their chat with Alex Turner & co.

“I wasn’t interviewing them and I didn’t wanna seem like a fan boy,” he tells PEDESTRIAN. “Logical conclusion, wear a cheap headset, hold a notepad, look important. Foolproof plan, it worked like a treat.”

“I don’t think they suspected a thing,” he continues. “I didn’t say much.”

And thanks to his efforts, Liam now has a lovely snap of himself meeting his idols, thus proving the age-old adage that if you lie and cheat hard enough, your dreams really can come true!


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Pretended to be Veronica and Lewis’s producer so I could meet @arcticmonkeys

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