Nicki Minaj Tweets Vaccine Misinfo About Swollen Balls, Gets Shut Down By Western Sydney Health

Nicki Minaj has been out here tweeting vaccine furphies and the good folk at Western Sydney Health have chimed in to set her straight.

The rapper raised eyebrows online today after unfurling a bizarre tweet sharing her misgivings about the COVID jab, which involved a dubious tale about her cousin’s mate’s swollen ballbag.

“My cousin in Trinidad won’t get the vaccine cuz his friend got it and became impotent,” she explained.

“His testicles became swollen. His friend was weeks away from getting married, now the girl called off the wedding.

“So just pray on it and make sure you’re comfortable with ur decision, not bullied.”

So there you go kids, be careful with the vaccine because, according to Minaj, it may cause engorged nutsacks and marital breakdowns.

Countless commentators have chimed in to clarify that there is in fact no scientific link between the COVID vaccine and embiggened bollocks, but perhaps one of the snappiest debunks came from Australia’s own Western Sydney Health, who tweeted: “We promise to leave the rapping to Nicki Minaj if she leaves medicine to doctors and scientists.”

Talk about deadly jabs…

The tweet has already had thousands of likes and hundreds of retweets.

It comes after Minaj reportedly declined an invite to this years Met Gala, because of its no-jab-no-entry policy.

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