Angry Anderson is running for the Senate, as one of the endorsed candidates for the known anti-Islam party; the Australian Liberty Alliance, as the party’s second NSW candidate.
Anderson says he had become dissatisfied with the stances of the major parties on the issue of immigration. “We live in deeply troubled times and there are those who oppose us at every step of the way,” he said in a statement on the ALA.
“Belonging to a major party, I found, was not going to satisfy my political needs. I have thrown my lot in with Australian Liberty Alliance because I believe it’s where I can serve my country best.”
The ALA has a notoriously harsh stance on immigration, and on its website one of its key policies revolves around the desire to “stop the Islamisation of Australia”. Under this policy heading it states: “we will require for accredited Islamic organisations in Australia to accept formally the supremacy of Australian law and universal human rights over Islamic doctrine and Sharia law. For example full face coverings in public spaces shall be prohibited.”
The ALA also also doesn’t believe in the need for any constitutional change, opposes voluntary euthanasia and wants to advance the “natural family”.
Anderson himself has developed a reputation for being outspoken about the ability of immigrants, particular those of the Islamic faith, to be able to ‘assimilate’ with the Australian population.
In 2013 he ran for the Illawarra federal seat of Throsby as the candidate for the Nationals, and campaigned on the issue that the government was favouring Islamic migrants over others, and that Australia needed to be wary of being ‘overbalanced’ with Islamic people.
Anderson will be formally announced as the ALA’s second NSW candidate on Monday, 9th May.