Big Day Out Melbourne Plagued By Sunstroke

Punters at the Big Day Out in Melbourne today sweltered in 36 degree temperatures at the Flemington Racecourse. St John Ambulances have reported treating around 130 people for heat-related issues.

A Sniffer Dog operation also saw 20 people arrested, much lower than the tally at the Gold Coast last Sunday.

The Herald Sun also reported that ticket sales for the Melbourne event were low; promoters downsized the venue making the event much more intimate than previous years.

For the first time on the Big Day Out tour, Kanye West actually went on stage at the scheduled time!

The Big Day Out Festival will head to Adelaide on Friday before wrapping up in Perth next Sunday.

Kanye West and Odd Future won’t make the trip however, they’ll be heading home after being removed from the line-up when it was downsized in November.

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