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Cosmo’s Midnight Drop New Single ‘Titanic’ With Music Video

Cosmo’s Midnight have shared their first single since last year’s album Yesteryear. The new single is a funky little bop from the Sydney duo called ‘Titanic’.

‘Titanic’ comes with a music video. It sees the Cosmo’s Midnight duo basically face swap with two kids in a Titanic school play.

It’s as strange and hilarious as you’d expect. You can watch the music video down below.

“Initially we were going to have Cos and Pat in the clip but pretty soon it became apparent that it wouldn’t be possible,” says the video’s director, Tim Nathan.

The duo couldn’t be in the clip due to the current lockdown in Sydney.

“The clip wouldn’t have made sense without having them in so we dabbled with 3D printed masks, look-alikes, and finally landed on deepfaking their faces onto the kids, which ended up being kinda hilarious.

“It was a classic clip for me to direct because it was so loose,” he continues.

“We were literally diving into all these projected ‘subconscious’ versions of the audience, and putting them in those worlds was an experiment in itself.

“Obviously it’s all open to interpretation but I love the idea that the audience are fantasising about starring in their own music videos.”

“‘Titanic’ kind of feels like a thematic progression from Yesteryear,” say Cosmo’s Midnight in a media release.

“It’s reflecting on past regrets but instead of Yesteryear where it’s kind of got this hint of optimism to it, ‘Titanic’ is kind of pessimistic.

“It’s like the moment just before everything spirals downwards.”

Watch the music video for ‘Titanic’ below.

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