The secrets to the return of Empire Of The Sun and their new album Ice On the Dune lay hidden in a recently made-up ancient language. To unravel the puzzle and solve the mystery one must decipher these new old hieroglyphics (embiggenable pictures below) using Empire Of The Sun’s decoder key.
For those playing along, Empire Of The Sun recently released their Discovery trailer video, in which archaeologists come across a cave painting that foretells of the return of Empire Of The Sun. The trailer also displays the band’s new look and features a 10 second snippet of new music.
The elaborate promotion, which is the work of Empire Of The Sun and Channel [V], will allow fans to access exclusive material and is proving to be an entertaining method of providing slow-release details about the new album. Ice On The Dunes is expected out in June of this year.
Empire Of The Sun – Seek The Answers
Watch: Empire Of The Sun – Snow On the Dune – Album Teaser