New Order And Joy Division’s Bernard Sumner To Release Tell-All Autobiography

New Order frontman and Joy Division guitarist Bernard Sumner is set to release his autobiography in 2014, with the mulit-instrumentalist and stalwart of the Madchester scene signing a publishing deal that will see the book hit shelves in the spring.

The 57-year-old told The Bookseller, “Joy Division and New Order have both left quite a legacy but up until now I’ve been happy to let the music speak for itself. Somehow it feels like the right time to give my personal perspective both on my own life story and the many bands I’ve been in.”

Sumner isn’t the first to write a tell-all about the tumultuous history of the 2 classic bands, with ex-bassist Peter Hook already spilling the beans on the former in Unknown Pleasures: Inside Joy Division and stating that he had plans to release a follow-up about New Order. Sumner’s book is expected to cover his relationship with Hook, the untimely death of Joy Division singer Ian Curtis and the making of Blue Monday, the biggest selling 12” single of all time.

New Order are set to play Lollapalooza in Chicago next August.

(via Slicing Up Eyeballs)

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