Smash Mouth Are On A Twitter-Based Awareness Campaign To Dispel The Myth That Shrek Made Them Famous

Shrek is not love, Shrek is not life.

At least, not according to nineties rockers Smash Mouth.

They want you to know that they were big before DreamWorks’ green ogre ever farted his way into existence to the tune of their hit song All Star, OK you guys? And they’ve been flat out living up to their name by smashing the mouths of Farquaads on Twitter who’ve been daring to suggest otherwise.

They’re just ogre all the unfounded Shrek-based ridicule, capiche?

Anyway, this may be why we haven’t heard anything out of the band in so long, because they’ve been pouring all of their time and energy into a rigorous Twitter-based awareness campaign to educate the masses about their success beyond Shrek’s soundtrack, addressing countless Shrek-based Twitter jibes that have been popping up so thick and fast it must be like playing a game of whack-a-mole.

As Pedestrian notes their crusade is at least a year old, and Smash Mouth have even replied to tweets that they haven’t even been tagged in, meaning they must be meticulously scouring the Twitterverse for any mentions of themselves and Shrek together.

Sounds like Steve Harwell & co could benefit from some advice from the swamp-dwelling ogrelord himself.

Shrek is love. Shrek is life.

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