It seems some problems simply sort themselves out. After leaving the scene of a fender bender, which L.A police have labeled a ‘hit and run’, Chris Brown is in a spot of hot water. As the singer is currently on parole, any minor violation of the law could see him removed out of sight and potentially out of mind. The system works.
After the prang, it’s been alleged that Brown failed to provide adequate identification to the other party, and the insurance information he did provide was incorrect. This is grounds enough for police to press charges against Brown, which will put him in a courtroom facing up to 4 years in jail.
TMZ have reported that the LAPD are very, very interested in speaking to the pop sensation about the incident, which could suggest that our streets will be Chris Brown free in no time.
Brown is already on probation after he beat up his ex-girlfriend Rihanna. His music is the only thing that hasn’t had a hit in a while, so it seems to be a win-win as far as society is concerned.
The awkward moments after the crash were caught on camera. But we gotta say… HD camera on hand, driver who is unusually pissed off despite having met Chris Brown… It all seems a bit like a set up.