Frank Ocean Pressing Charges Against Chris Brown After Punch-On

According to MTV, sources close to Frank Ocean have revealed that the musician will press charges against his contemporary Chris Brown after the two exchanged blows at an LA recording studio. The altercation started over a car park, but the consequences for Brown could be far more serious.

Despite the lack of any firm evidence, the general consensus is that Ocean is the victim and Brown threw the first punch, which given his previous donnybrooks isn’t such a crazy theory. Police are pretty interested in the case, with LA Sheriff’s Office spokesman Steve Whitmore telling the New York Post that Ocean was ‘desirous of prosecution’.

Ocean doesn’t seem that shaken up after the ordeal, suffering a cut hand, which will apparently affect his Grammy’s performance in the near future. Brown, on the other hand, seems to have been affected a bit more by the drama. Not only did he post a picture on Instagram, where he compares his suffering to that of Jesus (no joke) but still with a year left before the probation put in place after he beat up Rihanna is lifted, Brown could be looking at serious criminal charges.

Check out Brown’s Instagram post with the caption below. That dude has issues. More updates are sure to come through very soon.

"Painting the way I feel today. Focus on what matters!"

“Painting the way I feel today. Focus on what matters!”

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