A DJ in Austria has attempted to ruin Christmas by taking over the radio station where he works.
Diabolical mastermind Joe Kohlhofer held his colleagues hostage and terrorised listeners during the incident earlier this week.
And his weapon of choice? Wham!
As London’s The Telegraph reports, the jock at Austrian radio station Antennae Carinthia began his regularly scheduled morning show with the band’s popular festive hit Last Christmas.
But then, he went rogue, barricading himself inside the DJ booth and playing the track on repeat 24 fucking times.
A siege situation then unfolded, with Kohlhofer engaging in a standoff with radio staff for almost 2 hours.
Why nobody called John McClane is beyond me. Shit would have been sorted.
According to Austrian media reports, more than 100 pissed off listeners rang in, begging Gruber Kohlhofer to stop playing George Michael and Andrew Ridgeley’s holiday classic, while the station’s Facebook page was inundated with more than 500 rage-filled posts.
But Kohlhofer still refused to stop.
It wasn’t until his 4-year-old daughter called up and asked him to end the tyranny that the DJ finally gave in, but not before playing Last Christmas one final time.
The station has since claimed that the stunt was not planned in advance, and later posted a photo of Kohlhofer on Facebook with his mouth taped shut.
“After playing Last Christmas 24 times in two hours, the Antennae team would once again express our sincere thanks to Joe Kohlhofer! We wish him a happy holiday… in the foyer,” the station wrote [translated].
Nach 24x Last Christmas in zwei Stunden bedankt sich das Antenne-Team nochmals recht herzlich bei Joe Kohlhofer! Wir wünschen ihm einen schönen Urlaub… im Foyer. #Fesselspiele
Posted by Antenne Kärnten on Friday, December 18, 2015
Looks like someone can kiss his Christmas bonus goodbye.
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!
Watch Wham: Last Christmas
Wuhuuuu Last Christmas im Radio 😀 Endlich.LG Joe#Weihnachtsstimmung Posted by Antenne Kärnten on Thursday, December 17, 2015