Photos: Supplied / Yael Stempler

This Mysterious Twitter Account Is Leaking Huge Aussie Tours “Just For Fun”

A mysterious Twitter account is leaking details of Australian tours by big-name artists right now, and it’s doing it all “just for fun”.

OzTourLeaks has been up and running since September 2016, and in that time has leaked details of Australian tours from the likes of Justin Bieber, Green Day, Crystal Castles, Peking Duk and Shawn Mendes before they were officially announced, as well as a number of 2017 Splendour In The Grass sideshows.

Last week, the account also leaked details of Ariana Grande’s ‘Dangerous Woman’ Australian tour a day ahead of its official announcement, as it tends to do with most of its leaks.

The person behind OzTourLeaks wouldn’t reveal their identity to Music Feeds (and no, it’s not someone from Music Feeds), but they say they do work “in the industry”.

“I started this account out of boredom and broke the Justin Bieber tour to see how people would react,” they say.

“It’s just for fun, I don’t make money off of tipping off people or anything. I just do it on Twitter because there’s lots of super fans on here and thought I could make a few people’s days by telling them when their favourite artist is coming.

“I have a young following, lots of teenagers, and they don’t always have the disposable income to come up with $150+ for a gig that goes on sale a day after it’s announced… I think kids deserve more than three days to scrape together $70 for a gig that’s gonna sell out to scalpers.”

The creator of OzTourLeaks says they’ll continue leaking tours “as long as tours worth leaking keep coming along”, so we’ll definitely be keeping an eye on their feed.

Check out their latest tweets (and possible leaks) below.

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