PREMIERE: Boo Seeka & Golding Join Forces For Infectious ‘Don’t Waste Your Love’

Two of Australia’s buzziest duos, Boo Seeka and Golding, have temporarily become a quartet in their new collaborative single ‘Don’t Waste Your Love’.

The song represents a bright and shimmering melting pot of what has given either duo their success thus far in their careers. It fuses the airy, summery nature of Boo Seeka with the grittier, pounding elements of Golding, making for an entrancing banger that leaves you wanting more.

Of the song, Boo Seeka’s Ben Gumbleton said, “Jay (Bainbridge, of Golding) and I were hanging out at his house one day and before we knew it, we were getting pretty deep and opening up about a lot of personal stuff that has happened in our separate lives over the last year.

“I guess for both of us the best way to deal with that stuff is to write about it – so that’s exactly what we did. The whole song was written in twenty minutes.”

The video is an eerie affair, with both duos going about their business in a bustling nightclub, except they’re the only real people there and everyone else is a mannequin.

“The clip captures Jay, Ben, Mikey and I acting normal whilst surrounded by mannequins at a party,” Golding’s Matt Bartlem said of the video.

“It’s like how you’d act if you did have anxiety at an event, you just pretend like everything is fine but inside your head is like a storm brewing. The clip serves as a reminder to be in the moment and try and enjoy yourself in situations like this.”

‘Don’t Waste Your Love’ comes as Boo Seeka work on their forthcoming second album, due out this year, and while Golding plan to finalise their EP.

Watch the video for ‘Don’t Waste Your Love’ below.

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