Grafton Primary – Eon

“Records for the Righteous, sound is independent” are the words that open this CD, over an understated yet funky bass line.  It’s going to build, methinks.  Slowly, surely.  We’re going places here.

Deep, solid bassline, that seems to almost define the sound of the moment.  A bit cleaner though.  Nice to see.  Or hear.  You know what I mean.

It has the aura of trendiness that I feel myself instinctively reacting against – but my love of music prevails and I succumb to the driving rhythm and space like computer sounds that people use for melodies these days.  No doubt this’ll be filling dance floors across the country in no time.  The beats are kicking, the almost poetic lyrics float above, the result is tight and polished.

I don’t enjoy being robbed of climaxes.  A song builds, spacey, gathering momentum, gaining pace, we must be rewarded with something special.  Here comes the drop… And they deliver.  A couple of times.  Well done lads.

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