Pink Beecroft and The White Russians – Somethin’ Somewhere Better

Pinky Beecroft, formerly the singer of Machine Gun Fellatio, returns with his new project, Pinky Beecroft & The White Russians, an at times funky at times sparse and moody exploration of Pinky’s eccentricities. It’s weird, inconsistent in style and often jarring, but I fucking love it.

I’m not going to try and pretend it’s going to change the shape of music, I’m not even going to pretend it’s going to attract the attention of that many people. What I am going to say is that if all pop/rock was this interesting and bizarre we’d live in a much better.

Pinky, while not exactly having a voice you’d describe as amazing, definitely has a seemingly intrinsic ability to engender his lyrics with feeling and originality.

The album is I suppose based on a blues/rock bent, but it incorporates so may different little tweaks here and there that it’s never boring.

Check them out at

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