Stephen Fry Is Coming To Australia For Festival Of Dangerous Ideas 2018

English actor, comedian, author and thinker Stephen Fry will return to Australia this November to take part in Sydney’s ninth Festival Of Dangerous Ideas (FODI).

The annual event has today announced its lineup of speakers and artists for 2018, with Fry set to present ‘The Hitch’ at Sydney Town Hall on Saturday, 3rd November.

Organisers describe ‘The Hitch’ as “an oration on the art of furious disagreement”, named after Fry’s late friend and FODI’s inaugural keynote speaker, Christopher Hitchens.

“Sydney, I’ll be popping by this November to give a talk on the art of disagreement, in honour of the marvellous, missed-every-day Christopher Hitchens,” Fry told his Twitter followers this morning.

Elsewhere, this year’s FODI lineup features the likes of ex-Westboro Baptist Church member Megan Phelps-Roper, conservative historian and political commentator Niall Ferguson, author Germaine Greer and activist and scholar Mick Dodson.

“In an age of hyper-political correctness and fake news, there’s no better time to reflect on our evolving understandings of truth and trust; to encourage audiences to listen to ideas they may not agree with and facilitate engagement in the art of disagreement,” says Festival Director and Co-Curator Danielle Harvey.

Catch all the details of ‘The Hitch’ below, and the rest of the FODI 2018 program at the Festival Of Dangerous Ideas website.

The Hitch, With Stephen Fry

Tickets on sale 12pm Tuesday, 4th September

3rd November

Sydney Town Hall, Sydney

Tickets: Festival Of Dangerous Ideas

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