Ball Park Music and Guineafowl Super Commuter Tour Diary

Kings Cross Hotel, Sydney 23/04/2011 – Guineafowl
So, it’s on Sunday Morning and I am writing the first entry of our Super Commuter Tour Diary.  As we started the tour in our hometown of Sydney we have not yet done much commuting, well aside from the cab ride home from the Venue, at the Kings Cross Hotel.  Alright, first story of the tour, getting a cab with a whole heap of guitars and keyboard stands was freaking impossible tonight and to flag one down, I had to hide them in a nearby Oporto’s, and trick the cabbie.

The show tonight went well. Ball Park Music played first tonight, and they were pretty brilliant. Sam, their lead singer jumped out into the crowd and started dancing during their last song.  Our set contained less me jumping, but still was a hoot. I am shamefully going to admit that tonight we covered Jimmy Eat World’s The Middle. Someone in the crowd actually grabbed the microphone off me and started singing they were so excited by the song.

Nick, our drummer has just moved into a place a few blocks away from Kings Cross, and so he cooked us all dinner before the show. Any opportunity to not have to eat fast food is more than welcome on tour.  Hopefully tomorrow night Nick will cook us dinner again.

Kings Cross Hotel, Sydney 23/04/2011 – Dean from Ball Park Music
The first day of our tour was last Friday and in true Rebecca Black style at 7am we got up in the morning feeling fresh and went downstairs, we then got our bowls because we gotta’ have cereal and then we nipped off down the road to pick our big MOFO 12 seater commuter in preparation for some super commuting. Six hours later we landed* (*read parked) out the front of Dean and Dan’s Dad’s house in Coffs Harbour for a sleep over and then got up on Saturday morning (feeling less fresh and minus the cereal plus McMuffins) and made our way down to Sydney.

When we arrived we were so god damn EXCITED that we all had a nap for about 3 hours before jumping back in our big MOFO 12 seater and venturing into Kings Cross. We all sat down and had awesome pub meals at the Kings Cross Hotel, whilst taking advantage of the 15 minutes left during happy hour and then leap frogged upstairs to FBi social and proceeded to kick some Sydney-butt on stage. We pretended we were headlining at Wembley stadium and the crowd totally fell for it*(*may or may not be true) but regardless we had some people singing along (we will mail your cheques out soon ;D ) and dancing which was fantastic. We then watched Guineafowl for the first time this tour and needless to say they kicked ass!

After the gig we jumped back in our big MOFO 12 seater and went back to our accommodation, not before we witnessed our first ever Kings Cross fist fight, which we all wanted to be a part of (looked like so much fun) but unfortunately we were confined to watching it through the windows of our big MOFO 12 seater. When we got back to the motel, like true rock stars, had cups of tea with 1 sugar and a little milk each and went off to sleep.

Kings Cross Hotel, Sydney 24/04/2011 – Guineafowl
Nick did not cook us dinner tonight.

Tonight’s show went well, a bit less manic than last night but still solid. It was pouring with rain tonight so the real story was loading all of our amps out from the Hotel into our cars. It sucked. Sorry, that wasn’t really a very interesting story.  We were all feeling pretty dusty from the night before, so not much partying tonight, and much less hiding gear in chicken shops. But it is early days, so lets see what Brisbane brings.

Kings Cross Hotel, Sydney 24/04/2011 – Dean from Ball Park Music
EASTER DAY!! we woke up between the hours of 9 am and 11 am and went and got an amazing breakfast in Enmore which consisted of eggs, spinach, toast and other really unusual breakfast foods before we went back to our motel and decided what to do for the rest of the day .

After much deliberation, myself (Dean) and Paul decided to go to the football at Parramatta to look for some fist fights and the other guys went off to a park and explored a creepy abandoned house that reminded us all of the zombie house on Call Of Duty. We then made our way into the set from Underbelly again and had some nice Thai food before going back to FBi Social and kicking some Sydney ass again.

After the show we had a 12 person nude mash up to say a casual “seeya” to Guineafowl before we jumped in the big MOFO 12 seater back to the hotel, off to sleep for 4 hours before jumping back in the big MOFO 12 seater and heading back home to Brisbane. One unscheduled mini show at the Lennox Head point and some amazing food at Sam’s mum and dad’s house and we finished our Sydney leg feeling amazingly fresh and excited for the shows to come. What they hold… nobody knows … except for me because they will all be incredible…seriously.

The remaining tour dates for The Super Commuter Tour

Friday April 29, The Spotted Cow, Toowoomba QLD

Saturday April 30, Beetle Bar, Brisbane QLD

Thursday May 5, The Toff, Melbourne VIC

Friday May 6, Karova Lounge, Ballarat VIC

Saturday May 7, Plus One, Ed Castle, Adelaide SA

Read the Super Commuter Tour Diary Part 2

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