Chris Lanzon
Chris Lanzon | Supplied

Chris Lanzon on Letting Go of Bad Habits and Giving It Your All

With his new single, ‘FUCK IT UP!’, Chris Lanzon wanted to create an ode to giving it your all. “I’ve written a lot of songs about my self-doubt and hesitation, but this is the opposite of that,” Lanzon said.

‘FUCK IT UP!’ is the Sydney artist’s second single of 2022, following his collaboration with Eluera, ‘June’. In conjunction with the song’s release, Lanzon offers advice on letting go of bad habits, forming good ones, and giving it your all.

Chris Lanzon – ‘FUCK IT UP!’

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Build a routine

Chris Lanzon: I think this is a key to kicking bad habits, just getting into the swing of things. I find it helps to schedule out my days, especially when I’m in a bit of a rut. It helps to build in time for work and also intentional time for leisure. I always feel way better if I make time for an outdoor walk or two. Give yourself space to work and also space to just be, so you can recharge and be at your best when you need to be.

Do a little each day

CL: It can often feel like there’s so much to do, especially when you have goals you want to reach or projects you want to finish. I think it helps to break things down and aim to do a little each day rather than trying to do everything at once. Don’t bite off more than you can chew.

Never compromise your vision for anyone

CL: Everyone always says, “Believe in yourself,” and I think it’s so important that beyond believing, you truly know that what you’re doing is worth doing. If you stand behind everything you do, no one can get in your way. It’s easier said than done, but there’s so much power in having full confidence that your vision is going to work out because you’re doing it for the right reasons.

You might not know exactly how or when, but you know it will work, eventually. Set and forget. Trust the process. I wrote ‘FUCK IT UP!’ as an embodiment of this sentiment.

Feed your inspiration

CL: When I’m in a bit of a slump or feeling particularly uninspired and apathetic, it’s great to consume new things and expand my palette. This could be diving into a new artist’s discography or watching a film that I’ve never seen, visiting an art gallery on my own, starting to read a new book or listening to podcasts and interviews from other creatives to find new perspectives and ideas.

I think the most underrated thing of all for inspiration is remembering to live. Try new things and have new experiences. Inspiration is something that needs to be fed. You can’t just expect new ideas to come on their own. Be ready to receive the ideas by banking up experiences and perspectives.

Get out of your own way

CL: You’re always going to be your own worst enemy. Everything you do, you’ll be the one judging it the harshest. I think it’s important to try and let go of that as much as possible. Don’t judge your ideas until they’re finished. Let them be what they want to be. Separate your ego from the process, and just do what feels right in the moment.

This will allow you to grow and defy your own limitations. And if you’re still unhappy with something at the end of it, that’s okay. You don’t need to show it to anyone, but at least you saw it through. Do something crazy.

  • Chris Lanzon’s ‘FUCK IT UP!’ is out now.

Further Reading

Chris Lanzon Surrenders To Hope In ‘Diamonds On The Water’ Video

Eluera: “I Finally Have a Clear Image of What I Want to Put Out Into the World”

IRFXXN: How Coming From a Muslim, Fijian-Indian Household Influences My Music

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