Love Letter To A Record: Evan Klar On Feist’s ‘The Reminder’

Many of us can link a certain album to pivotal moments in our lives. Whether it’s the first record you bought with your own money, the chord you first learnt to play on guitar, the song that soundtracked your first kiss, the album that got you those awkward and painful pubescent years or the one that set off light bulbs in your brain and inspired you to take a big leap of faith into the unknown – music is often the catalyst for change in our lives and can even help shape who we become.

In this series, Music Feeds asks artists to reflect on their relationship with music and share with us stories about the effect music has had on their lives.

Here are their love letters to records that forever changed their lives.

Evan Klar — Feist’s ‘The Reminder’

Dear The Reminder,

I was eighteen, on my way to live with my german uncle, and armed with a pink mp3 player that held two albums on it; The Reminder and Coldplay’s Parachutes.

Without playing favourites, it was your first verse in ‘So Sorry’ that had me. I remember, the middle of a freezing winter, getting out of the shower to stand under those heat lamps whilst listening to ‘The Water’, super cozy.

‘Sealion’ was my go-to for the cold bike rides to work, followed by ‘Past and Present’ (I should tell you now that I have since learnt not to listen to music whilst riding). Your dynamism makes for powerful medicine. ‘I Feel It All’ is my survival song, it carries me away. If I were stranded on an island this would be the song I take with me, and like coconuts, its great for hangovers.

I often get hyper but your sound calms me, ‘The Park’ will always be my closest sanctuary. Bare with me on the cheese, but you really are the album that I once felt I had to myself. You were like my cool friend and I was the only one listening to you. In reality, there were millions. I’m not much of a pianist but about a year ago I learnt to play ‘How My Heart Behaves’ on my mum’s piano back home. A minor is comfy on the fingers but playing your song pulls me in tight, shakes me about and throws me out upside-down, one for the rainiest of days.

Just imagine how many people have learnt to play ‘1234’. I think you’ve brightened up a lot of lives with that song, especially since Sesame Street, my little nephews had that on repeat for a good year. Its been almost nine years since we first met, you’re closer to me than ever and often in my ears. Are you following me? Coincidently, last night I watched Leslie (your mum) play live at the Forum here in Melbourne. Her and her next level tidy band played about 5 of your songs. Drowned in romance, it was a total smash.

I subconsciously shouted “YUP!” during the silence after ‘My Man My Moon’, that was weird. Thank you The Reminder, for your honesty and for always being there for me, I’d be a lost squirrel without you. You’re the wildest.

Your friend,


Evan Klar’s debut album ‘Deepest Creatures’ is out now.

Evan Klar 2018 Tour Dates

With Emerson Snowe

Saturday, 24th February 2018

The Toff, Melbourne

Tickets: Moshtix

Friday, 2nd March 2018

Brighton Up Bar, Sydney

Tickets: Venue

Saturday, 3rd March

Black Bear Lodge, Brisbane

Tickets: Oztix

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