Kat Edwards
Kat Edwards | Credit: James Morris

Love Letter to a Record: Kat Edwards on Andy Shauf’s ‘The Party’

Music Feeds’ Love Letter to a Record series asks artists to reflect on their relationship with an album they love and share stories about how it has influenced their lives. Here, Kat Edwards heaps praise on Andy Shauf’s The Party (2016).

22-year-old songwriter Kat Edwards doubles down on honest revelation on her new EP, Best Bad News. This is especially true of the record’s latest single, ‘Loser’, which was written in response to a weight of social anxiety. “I wasn’t writing it because I was looking for any answers, it just felt good to get it out,” Edwards said.

Kat Edwards’ Love Letter to Andy Shauf’s The Party

Kat Edwards: I can remember the moment I heard Andy Shauf’s ‘Early To The Party’ for the first time. I was on the bus in Hobart and it just came onto my Spotify. The second I heard the production and his lyrics, I was hooked. I couldn’t believe how clever the song was, especially from 1.55-2.46. The bass line? Madness.

At home that night, I tried to learn everything I could about him. I felt like the song had scratched an itch I didn’t know I had. This led me to the album, which I listened to over and over again. I ordered the CD online and it became my comfort record. I watched interviews and live sessions to do with the record. Anyone that would listen, I would talk to them about it. I was, quite frankly, obsessed.

I was in awe of his writing, and then I found out it was a concept album, which blew my mind. I think having that knowledge changed my own writing style forever. I also became way more interested in the production side of music after listening to this record. Every instrument on the album fits in so perfectly with the others. I geeked out with all the drum sounds and bass lines he used – so much so that I reference Andy a lot when I’m in the studio myself.

The closing track, ‘Martha Sways’, gets me every time. Whenever I hear it, I can picture the character swaying to the music. I find it so inspiring and hope that one day I can write something even half as good as that song.

The whole album is almost a cinematic experience, with all the storylines and characters. It’s one I will return to again and again. So, thank you, Andy, for changing my ideas on the art of songwriting.

Love Kat xx

Kat Edwards – ‘Loser’

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