Soundtracks, Surprises and Cross Dressing w/ Sherlocks Daughter

I’ve been struggling to write this article. The problem is I like Sherlock’s Daughter too much and hence anything I write just comes out drenched in hyperbole and ass licking. Now, I don’t mind a bit of ass licking myself, but not in my writing, and not too often.

Anyway leaving all literary allusions aside, Sherlock’s Daughter have gone from strength in this last year. From playing Laneway and Playground Weekender to supporting School Of Seven Bells on their national tour, the band are gearing up to launch their EP this Thursday 27th of August at The Hopetoun Hotel with Megastick Fanfare and Kyu.

Not being able to ignore the urge to harangue the band about this I caught up with lead singer/guitarist/glockenspielist/drummer/sequin-queen Tanya Horo to find out how things are going in the Sherlock’s Daughter camp.

Music Feeds: How’s the preparation for the EP Launch coming?

Tanya Horo: I think it’s going good, I’m going to New Zealand tomorrow for a few days though so I’m freaking out a bit. We’ve been rehearsing everyday and now I’m leaving the boys up to their own devices.

MF: That doesn’t sound too wise to me.

TH: We’ll see what happens, I’ll come back and the whole set will have changed.

MF: Yeah, there’ll be a massive Gameboy solo…

TH: Yeah, through the whole thing and Sudek will be playing and I’ll be kicked out.

MF: They’ll have Will (Russell, drummer/glockenspiel/goldenboy) singing in a wig…

TH: Yeah, it’s not funny actually… It could happen.

However, cross-dressing and the EP launch are but a hint of what’s to come from the band, with slots on Peat’s Ridge as well as a few other yet to be announced slots on some impressive NYE festivals leaving the band falling over themselves to get a break before diving back into the fray in December.

MF: You guys are heading over to New York later this year, what’s the deal there?

TH: We’re going to go in October/November, hopefully for CMJ as well as to do some recording. We’re going to be working at this beautiful studio about half and hour out of New York. Oh, and we’re doing some shows.

I think every now and then you get to a stage where you become a little bit stagnated I suppose. It doesn’t matter where you are, it’s not because we’re in Sydney or anything, it’s just that you become so used to your surroundings and the stimulus around you that your brain doesn’t take it in the same way it used to. So I think we’re all a bit hungry for some new stimulus.

So instead of all going our separate ways for a holiday, or a music holiday, we just thought let’s go together. Like what’s the worst that happen being cramped together in a tiny apartment in New York for six weeks?

The bands music has always seemed to me to hold some sort of narrative or soundtrack-esque nature to it. Tanya’s vocals, coy and cheeky at times, sultry and fragile at others, matched with the undulating ambience and throbbing rhythms confidently brought forth by the rest of the band seem to tell a story, albeit a story I don’t really understand, nor want to.

MF: Your music is very visual though, would you agree?

TH: I think there definitely is a sort of filmic quality to it, I don’t know if that’s something we’ve done purposefully, but on listening back you can definitely hear that.

MF: At least you’ve left yourself open to do film soundtracks?

TH: Exactly. It’s all about the business side of the music.

MF: Are there any filmmakers you’d like to make soundtracks for?

TH: Yeah, the Sherlock Holmes movie is coming out funnily enough. So I wrote to Guy Ritchie, I’m such a nerd. So, I wrote a letter to Guy Ritchie saying ‘hey, ha funny isn’t it… that we’re called Sherlock’s Daughter and you’re about release a Sherlock Holmes movie… maybe you want one of our songs?’ I haven’t heard back.

Ritchie’s rejection putting their budding career writing film scores on hold, the band’s eyes are set on the upcoming EP launch, and ensuring the show lives up to their whimsical best.

MF: Are there any surprises in store for the EP Launch?

TH: There is actually, I just can’t tell you though. I’m pretty excited. I’ve been planning this for years, like ten years. I’ve had this idea in my head for ages, and it’s not that exciting anymore though, and I don’t want anybody to think it’s going to be anything amazing but it will be for me. You might see me squealing on stage.

With a plug like that how can you say no?

Sherlock’s Daughter play The Hopetoun Thursday 27th August with Megastick Fanfare and Kyu.

(Photo by Corine Thevenau)

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