Issue #14

In This Issue: Big Day Out, Daedelus, Captain Kickarse and the Awesomes, Johnny Massive, Bob Log III, Circle of Rythmn, Squat Club

I met Mike FUCKING Patton. That’s right Mr Bungle himself. How you ask? Well he grinds his teeth so much that he cracked two of his back molars all the way through to the root and my Dad was the dentist the touring company called. “Yeah I grind in the day,” he tells me. “Whenever I hear music I just start grinding in time.” How rock is that?!

Anyway back to the business at hand, and boy howdy do we have a corker. Mash-up maestro Girl Talk chats about his wild live show, the art of the mash-up and how his music has been stirring up a bit of a furore over copyright law.

Local prog-rock powerhouse Captain Kickarse & The Awesomes also decided to drop by and give us the goss on their struggle with singers and decision to keep thing instru-MENTAL.

New addition to our posse of photographers Kurt Davies gives us a mammoth spread on the awesomeness that was the Big Day Out this year, and considering the little cutie suffered through 38 degree heat to get them you better check em out.

Victorian dressed and rave obsessed folk-tronica legend Daedelus gives us the low down on his ideas about the manufacturing of culture and music, why he chooses to dress like Prince Albert and how he uses his crazy 100 buttoned instrument the Monome.

Our resident one man article writing machine Thomas Mitchell catches up with one man band Bob Log III, to discuss the origins of his eccentric set up (guitar in his hands, drums at his feet and a telephone stuck in the front of his helmet to sing through), his wild approach to performing live and being shat on by a Frenchman.

Advertising salesperson and writer extraordinaire Anna Solar-Basset chat’s with Lee Lewis, director of ATYP’s new youth theatre show Citizenship, while we give you a sneak peek at the MCA’s upcoming bike tour/installation display Rider Spoke, which will see punters riding bikes around different art installations hidden in The Rocks.
Melbourne all girl psychedelic-surf-rock 5 piece Beaches dropped in to talk about their experience at ATP and how in the hell they write such intermingled and confusion music, while Conan Doyle obsessed Sydney post-indie band Sherlock’s Daughter discuss how being fathered by the greatest detective of all time has impacted their work.

We also managed to catch up with dirty inner-west punks Johnny Massive, pure percussion three piece Circle Of Rhythm , the blender of multimedia, folk, blues and hip hop that is Tim Fite, Birds Robe Collective mind bogglers Squat Club, San Fran hamjam collective Still Flyin’, local oldskool hip hoppers True VibeNation, as well as veteran DIY punks Propoghandi and Melbourne punk duo Inappropriate Tough Guy Behaviour.

Also look out for Gang Gang Dance, Zombie Dog, and A Red Letter Day winners Imperfect Minds.


Music Feeds, Baby.
It’s Spanish For Awesome

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