360 Tells Haters To “Fuck Off”

Australia’s most successful individual rapper, 360, has once again taken to social media sites to address the ever-growing issue of ‘internet warriors’ and ‘haters’. 360 recently flew to Europe to begin writing tracks for the follow-up to his platinum-selling album Falling and Flying, which will include tracks such as Mayday, which according to the rapper, “is one of the hardest hitting beats I’ve ever rapped to. And no, it’s not dubstep”.

However, in an address to the negative lifeforms that troll the world wide internet, they received a torrent of verbal abuse from the Melbourne-based artist who posted a lengthy message, which effectively told them to “Fuck off”

“I’ve never understood someone who goes out of their way to bring someone down because they dislike their music. lol. u jealous little cunts are just boosting my ‘likes’ on facebook and making me more famous. i LOVE my haters. if one is content with everything they do in life they dont go out of their way to bring others down, so i hope u guys figure out whatever problems u have and i wish u all the best. my only advice.. IF U DONT LIKE THE MUSIC FUCK OFF AND DONT LISTEN.”


“That said, much love to all my fans. with every hater theres 100 fans that have my back and support everything i do, and i appreciate that so much.”

360 has also addressed the issue of haters within his recent release, Hope You Don’t Mind Ft. N’Fa whereby he famously said: “If I tell you to fuck off then fuck off” as a message to those who address him in a negative fashion. 360 is currently touring on the 2012 Groovin’ The Moo festival across Australia that will visit Western Australia next weekend.

Listen to Hope You Don’t Mind Ft. N’Fa below:

360 - Hope You Dont Mind Ft N'Fa (1 Take Video)

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