50 Cent Hires ‘High Powered’ Private Investigator Team To Examine Chris Lighty’s Death

Following a request from the grieving mother of deceased hip hop mogul Chris Lightly, rapper and business associate 50 Cent has sought the help of a team of high-powered investigators to look into the apparent suicide death of Lightly after details of his will raised suspicion.

Quick recap: Lightly is believed to have died earlier this month from a self-inflicted gunshot wound after an alleged argument with his wife. Lightly was recently laid to rest in a star-studded ceremony. Many of his esteemed guests refuse to believe the death was suicide.

Fox 5 News obtained a copy of Lightly’s will, which has raised serious concerns amongst the family. The document was drafted in 2007. It features a clause on page 3 dictating that “I give my entire residuary estate, real and personal, to her”, (her being his wife).

Despite leaving around $1.6 million in trust funds to his children, the will seemed very suspicious, prompting the family not only to seek the help of Fiddy, but also hire Dr. Michael Baden, a former New York City chief medical examiner, to provide a second autopsy. Baden has told Fox 5 News that while the gunshot affliction is of no uncertainty, there are still tests pending that will indicate whether it was self-inflicted or not.

Lightly had recently secured a contract for a worldwide 50 Cent tour. He has worked with Fiddy in the past, as well as high tier artists such as P Diddy.

Read more: http://www.myfoxny.com/story/19627479/chris-lighty-will-creates-trust-fund-for-children-rest-goes-to-wife#ixzz27S1Rbtor

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