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Andrew W.K. Has Delivered The Pizza Anthem We All Needed

The king of party anthems Andrew W.K. has provided us with universal jams mostly all about partying as hard as you possibly can, and now he’s stepped one step closer to musical genius status, gifting us a pizza anthem.

Much like partying, pizza is adored worldwide but despite this, it’s often missing from music, leaving memes and witty tweets to honour its existence.

W.K. has changed that by penning a tune all about how much he and everyone else loves pizza for food and travel channel Tastemade, which may also double as the love song of the decade.

The song, which revolves around the hook “pizza paradise”, makes it very clear how much W.K. admires the Italian food but if you’re not convinced by the song then listening to over 10 minutes of the man with the biggest arms in music talking just about pizza should do the trick.

He says he desires pizza, “at all times, much like water” and would also, “like to die with a piece in my mouth”.

The song is a rock anthem designed to soundtrack pizza craving and pizza binges. And just in case you were wondering, yes, he does perform the song with a pizza guitar.

You can watch the full video below or just get stuck straight into the song at the 13:30 mark.

Watch: Late Night Pizza Jam Session with Andrew W.K.

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