The Annandale Hotel Owner/Managers Matt and Dan Rule will be taking down the For Sale sign placed on the front of the building on Monday after positive response from their recent Buy-A-Brick campaign.
Speaking to The Music Network they’ve said “We’re a long way off where we need to be, but so far the public have been great in getting right behind the buy a brick concept; we now just need to get the music industry to do the same. We hope that our show of confidence in taking down the sign will inspire them to do their bit as well.”
The buy-a-brick campaign, in a nutshell, means you – the punter – get to buy a brick (in the form of a membership fee ranging from $20-$250), and in return you get a plaque with your name on it attached to one of the bricks that keep the building standing, as well as a certificate.
The cash will be put to good use i.e. – to further reduce the hotel’s debt (estimated at more than 2.5 million) in addition to an overhaul of the interior (goodbye beer-stench carpets) plus an upgrade on parts of the building’s exterior.
The Hotel will also be taking part in the SLAM (Save Live Australian Music) Day on the 23rd of February, releasing its line-ups yesterday.