Image: Nura / Kickstarter

Aussie Startup Nura Breaks Crowdfunding Record With World-First, Futuristic Headphones

Melbourne-based company Nura has broken the Australian crowdfunding record on Kickstarter, with over USD$1.17 million now pledged for its futuristic headphones which adapt to users by using soundwaves to measure their hearing.

Since arriving on Kickstarter in May, Nura’s headphones have impressed the tech world with their integrated technologies and forward-thinking design.

With 11 days still left in its Kickstarter campaign, Nura has already become the most successful Aussie project on the platform, with almost 20 per cent of its backers also being from Australia. The company originally set out to raise only USD$100,000 for the product, and did so in the first few days of its campaign.

The technology in Nura headphones uses sound to measure a user’s hearing from the outer ear to the brain, allowing the device to adjust how many low, mid and high-range frequencies it should deliver.

Nura headphones also feature a composite design which combines dual speakers with a noise cancelling over-ear body and in-ear earbuds. They are also available with analog, digital or wireless connectivity. Here’s a little 360 looksie:

As ARN reports, Nura CEO and co-founder Kyle Slater says the company is “blown away” by the reaction to its crowdfunding campaign.

“Through Kickstarter, we aren’t just pre-selling our product and raising funds to enable us to begin mass production, we’re also building relationships and learning from innovative and visionary backers,” he says.

“The Kickstarter funds will be used on tooling for mass production, regulatory certifications, sourcing of materials, and distribution.

“We’re really excited to be Australia’s most funded Kickstarter and we believe this is a strong indicator of the demand for rich, quality experiences in this golden age of music.”

Nura headphones are expected to begin shipping in April 2017, and are currently going for AUD$219 over at the company’s Kickstarter page.

Get acquainted with the Nura’s new headphone technology in the video below.

Watch: Nura Kickstarter Video

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