Avicii Robbed Of His Laptop, Loses Unfinished Tracks

Swedish dance superstar Avicci has been dealt a massive blow – with his personal laptop stolen in a recent incident.

And to make things worse, the Levels hitmaker had eight unfinished tracks on the laptop, all of which weren’t backed up.

The DJ – who was one of the headliners of the nationwide Stereosonic festival last month – took to his Twitter page to express his disappointment over the robbery.

“My computer was stolen along with project files to 8 brand new tracks ive been playin. And no backup.” he tweeted.

Later on, he shed a few more details, saying he knows exactly who took the laptop, and that police and security at the hotel he was staying at are trying to track the offender down.

“I know the guy who did it because of cameras and stuff but he still wont confess and give back what he took. This is so fn annoying.”

“Police and hotel security is already on it, theres still a chance I might get it back.”

Until then, Avicci – real name Tim Bergling – has resorted to starting from scratch, getting a new laptop and recovering what he could of his unfinished beats and samples.

“Still didnt get my old computer back no! Spent all day yday and today setting up a new one in case I dont get old one back.”

“Reinstalling vsts and getting samples is a biaaaatch…….”

We’d be pissed off too. Good luck to Avicii for getting his laptop back – we’ll have more news on the situation once we hear it.

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