Bieber Retweet Causes Beliebers To Turn Against Their Own Kind

A retweet from Justin Bieber is supposed to be the biggest moment in every girl’s life but for one particular girl it hasn’t been all that crash hot. By bequeathing the social media honor upon her, Biebs has unknowingly (or perhaps un-unknowingly) opened the floodgates for a tidal wave of insults and death threats.

Despite describing herself as “not really a fan of Justin Bieber” (would that make her a Biebnostic?), the Twitter user followed that seemingly common sentiment with “but his acoustic album is really good”. Clearly impressed with the victory, Biebs retweeted the news to his 35-million strong following of a blood thirsty, homogeneous horde of tweens ages 12-16 pushing society towards a Biebocalypse.

According to Contact Music, it didn’t take long for the virtual lynching to start. As the victim explained, “They were saying I was pregnant with his child and my child would be a prostitute.” Messages from other fans who couldn’t handle it went along the lines of, “You’re not a fan, go kill yourself,” and, “Just tell her to die and leave Justin alone.” ‘Cause, you know, how dare she?!

Bieber recently unleashed the wrath of his minions upon The Black Key‘s drummer recently, who trolled the teen sensation hard out, so Biebs surely knows what his fan base are capable of. It makes you think… Was he happy that the girl had connected with the acoustic album at all, or is this the price Prince Bieber charges these days for admitting you’re “not really a fan”?

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