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Billy Corgan Is A Trump-Supporting “Bully”, Says Former Bandmate

David Pajo, who was in the band Zwan with Billy Corgan up until 2003, has unleashed on his former bandmate, suspecting that he’s a Donald Trump supporter.

Pajo was speaking on the Kreative Kontrol podcast (via CoS) where the conversation quickly turned to Corgan.

“When the campaign was happening, I was like, ‘Wow, Trump is so much like Corgan,” he said.

“I’m sure Billy loves this guy. I know he’s a Trump supporter. He has to be.”

He then went on to explain exactly how Corgan is like Trump saying, “He’s got millions of dollars. He’s got that ego. He loves the ‘bully mentality.’”

While Pajo doesn’t speak to Corgan anymore, unsurprisingly, he’s just guessed that he’s a Trump supporter and would be, “more surprised if he wasn’t.”

“[Corgan] can very convincingly front that he’s a sensitive liberal person, but maybe now that Trump’s made it OK to not act like that, for people like him, he’s gonna start shouting that.”

Corgan has defended Trump on occasion. He recently criticised the media for reporting a leaked dossier that detailed compromising information that Russia has on Trump.

“I think it’s an important time, and I’m trying to document that as an artist,” he said (via Cos).

“If I just filter what I read through the media, which obviously yesterday was a watershed day with the media, if I just filter what I read through the media, I’m not really in touch with the world I grew up in. I know there’s a gap there.”

Even if Corgan isn’t a Trump supporter, Pajo still doesn’t have many nice things to say about him, further targeting the way he treats his fans.

“When Smashing Pumpkins’ last one or two records didn’t sell that well, Billy went on this rant about how he was disappointed in his fans for not understanding the record and not buying it. That’s such a weird thing to me [laughs]. To scold your fans for not buying your record.”

Apparently back in the day he also used to measure how many records he sold against The White Stripes saying, “my records have totally slaughtered them!”

Maybe don’t expect a Zwan reunion anytime soon.

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