Blur’s Big Day Out Replacements To Be Revealed Today

UPDATE: Blur replacements have finally been announced – full details here!

Yes, you’ve been gnashing and grinding your teeth long enough – today, Wednesday, 4th December, is the day we will find out which bands will be replacing Blur on the Big Day Out 2014 lineup, after they unceremoniously dumped Australia from their tour schedule a couple of Sundays ago.

After claiming earlier last week that Friday, 29th November would be the day for the announcement, then on that day saying that this Tuesday would see the festival lock in their contracts, BDO investor AJ Maddah finally confirmed the actual announcement time via Twitter last night, giving a very definite time of 3:40pm EST today.

Maddah has now suggested that there may be as many as four bands added to the bill, claiming that he was going to add another two regardless of Blur pulling out of the festival or not. It was previously stated that two bands would be from the US and one would be from the UK, but another Maddah tweet now indicates there may be one band from the US and two from Europe. “Funnily enough, I booked the American band and the Americans booked the 2 European bands,” he tweeted.

“Very excited about [Blur’s] direct replacement whom I saw in London a few months ago! Other bands are good too,” Maddah tweeted earlier this week, after an exchange with a fan over whether BDO promoters would sue Blur. This has led to speculation that one of the bands may be Liam Gallagher’s Beady Eye, an act the promoter raved about during a UK jaunt earlier in the year.

The Beady Eye rumours further solidified after Maddah ruled out Smashing Pumpkins, another band he saw on the same trip. Come to mention it, there’s been a slew of bands excluded from contention for the fill-in gig. You can check them out below, and stay tuned to Music Feeds for the official announcement – however many bands there are – at 3:40pm EST today.

Gallery: 37 Bands Who WON’T Be Replacing Blur At BDO (more info here)

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