Bring Me The Horizon Shun Guest Artists On New Album

As Bring Me The Horizon fans gear up for the April release of their fourth studio full-length, Sempiternal, the internet world is abuzz with hype and rumours about what we can expect, but as we learned from our interview with the band at Soundwave today, they’ve ruled out any guest artist collaborations on the release.

You may remember last year when Lights mentioned she was in the studio with frontman Oli Sykes. Well, the band heard the same thing but now assure us that it won’t be happening – the band has chosen to avoid collaborations as they worry it will be seen as a “gimmick”.

Lights expressed interest in working with the band again after featuring twice on their latest album There Is A Hell Believe Me I’ve Seen It, There Is A Hell Let’s Keep It A Secret. That particular album also featured collaborations with You Me At Six’s Josh Francesch and Josh Scogin of The Chariot.

Bring Me go on to explain that, apart from bringing in Swedish outfit Immanu El for backing vocals, the record is 100% Bring Me The Horizon.

Stay tuned for the full interview soon!

Watch: Bring Me The Horizon Avoid Guest Artists On New Album

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