Dear Diary,
Is your mood apathetic? Do you feel like your life is spiralling downward? Could you not get enough money to go to the Blood Red Romance and Suffocate Me Dry concert or get your hair to do that flippy thing like that guy from that band can do?
Good news!
Sydney’s just scored itself a new monthly emo party to help you wipe those mascara-stained tears away!
Dubbed AM//PM, the freshly spawned emo social (“emocial”?) will kick off on Good Friday Eve AKA Thursday, 13th April at Oxford Street hub The Burdekin and feature “three levels of nostalgic emo tunes”, including all your favourite songs like ‘Stab My Heart Because I Love You’ and ‘Rip Apart My Soul’ and of course ‘Stabby Rip Stab Stab’.
Seriously though, this amazing new brainchild from Sydney party crew The Neighbourhood is also spruiking “massive band lineups” and aims to “pave the way for venues to reimagine their spaces and reinvigorate the local live music scene”.
And they’re certainly starting things on a high note, with the debut bash delivering a belting pop-punk lineup which will see Our Past Days perform their last ever 18+ show, joined by Between You & Me, Rumours and Whatever, Forever plus scene legends Norman, Dawson, Mikey and Steve Zappa on the decks to trigger mass-singalongs to ya high school faves from Alexisonfire, to Blink 182, Fall Out Boy and The Used.
Event co-founder Toby Bramley says: “We really just feel that we have lost a venue to call home, and after years of waiting for something to pop up, we realized we needed to do it ourselves. It really means a lot to us that everyone, especially the younger kids who never experienced what it was like before, can come to a venue and feel safe, feel like they really belong in our little community, know everyone’s name and just know they can have a good time.”
So brush that pink-streaked fringe out of your eyes, grab your sister’s mascara and keep your hands away from sharp objects, because Hot Damn (RIP), Club Blink (RIP) and Venom (RIP) alumni just got a new monthly party hub to call home and celebrate being weird and awesome away from all the conformists.
Tickets to the debut of the happiest Sad Party in Sydney are on sale now. Catch all the deets below.
Watch: Blink-182 – ‘Miss You’
AM//PM Debut Lineup
Our Past Days
Between You & Me
Whatever, Forever
Norman, Dawson, Mikey and Steve Zappa (DJs)
Thursday, 13th April
The Burdekin Hotel, Sydney
Tickets: Oztix