Competition: A Night With the Phantom Double Pass Give Away

Get ready for the best night out in Woollongong of 09, A Night With The Phantom. Offering a world class line-up including New York electronic powerhouse Ratatat, Young & Restless, Tame Impala, Fait Accompli, The Vines DJs as well as DJs Tom ‘E’ Kaos and Havejesseclub keeping everything rockin between sets.

Also to coincide with the masquerade ball theme (a mask is a must) there will be a whole range of visual art, transforming The Waves nightclub into an ethereal space of wonder and joy.

Anyway to celebrate such an awesome even Music Feeds is giving away a double pass, so if your keen to catch the show drop us a line at with your contact information and Phantom in the subjest line.

So, get your mask and cape and get down to Waves for a night of music, debauchery and bible study (scrap that last one), as A Night With The Phantom will be a night to remember.

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