Courtney Love Is Fighting To Stop Kurt Cobain’s Death Scene Photos From Being Released

Courtney Love and her daughter Frances Bean are reportedly fighting to keep the remaining police photos of Kurt Cobain‘s death scene under wraps.

According to court documents obtained by The Blast, the late Nirvana frontman’s widow & daughter have launched a legal battle to keep the controversial pics private, claiming that their release would cause “substantial and irreparable damage”, “exacerbate the post-traumatic stress Frances Bean Cobain has suffered” and “physically endanger her and her mother by encouraging more disturbed stalkers and fanatical threats”.

The images at the centre of the legal battle were snapped at the scene of Cobain’s apparent suicide in 1994. And although multiple police photos of the death scene have previously been released, many of the more gruesome shots have been withheld from the public eye (probably with good reason).

And the man spearheading the campaign for their release is Cobain murder conspiracy theorist Richard Lee, who sued the city of Seattle back in 2014 in an attempt to obtain certain photos from the official investiagtion that show “Kurt Cobain’s body as it lay in the family residence after he was shot in the head”.

As Kerrang! points out, both Love and Frances Bean entered the fray back then to keep that from happening, with Love describing Cobain’s death as “the most traumatic experience of my life”.

“It left me physically distraught and I continue to suffer emotionally from the loss of my husband to this day,” she told the courts.

Lee lost his lawsuit in 2015, but filed a new appeal to once again dredge up the photos last year.

Love has accused him of stalking and harassing her for years, claiming his actions have made her fear for her safety.

It’s all very grim business. But in other Nirvana news, this week marked 23-years since the grunge legends’ iconic MTV Unplugged set.

Let’s focus on that instead of the prospect of Kurt Cobain death porn one day hitting the internet.

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