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Craig Owens Is Finishing Up A New Solo Album

On-and-off Chiodos frontman Craig Owens has firmed up some questions concerning what he’s been scheming, confirming today that he is finishing up a brand new album of solo material. This comes after a fairly mysterious post from the vocalist regarding some sort of new deal.

No name, release date or any information really was released other than the fact that Owens was putting the final touches on the album. But considering it was the first signs of life from him since May when he posted a cryptic message involving a deal and a contract, this was all that was needed to put fans in a frenzy.

And understandably so. Widely regarded as a shining beacon of hope in post-hardcore, it’s been hard for fans to pin Owens down lately. Earlier in the year, he confirmed Chiodos were on a hiatus however appeared behind the soundboard for Behind Your Eye’s new album before dropping his fairly unexpected grindcore album.

Owens first tried out the solo game back in 2009 when he released With Love. Let me tell you, that bad boy has only gotten better with time.

No news yet on anything solid from Chiodos though. The band mysteriously posted a demo on Facebook but backed it up with total silence. Next year marks 10 years since the release of their highly formative album Bone Palace Ballet so no doubt fans will be eagerly watching for movement.

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