Image: BBC / YouTube

Dave Grohl Defends Teen Band In Noise Restriction Battle With A Letter To Their Local Council

As if we didn’t need any more proof that Dave Grohl is rock’n’roll’s hairy god father, he’s gone and written to a local council in Wales UK to ask that they dismiss a noise ban on a young band stopping them from practicing in their garage.

The band in question, a group of teenagers called Black Leaves of Envy, were forced to stop practicing after Cornwall Council ordered them to limit the volume of their rehearsals to 30-40 decibels. This sounds reasonable until you consider that 30-40 decibels is just a little louder than the sound of a fridge, The Plymouth Herald reported.

Not giving up on their dreams of rock stardom though, the band knew there was only one man to call. Dave Grohl. Writing to the Foo Fighters frontman for his support, they weren’t disappointed by his response which came yesterday.

“My name is Dave Grohl, and I’m writing on behalf of the local music group Black Leaves of Envy,” he wrote.

“I am an American musician of over 30 years, having played professionally with such bands as Nirvana and Foo Fighters, just to name a few, selling over 100 million records combined.

“For musicians that lack the resources to rehearse in professional facilities, a garage or basement is the only place they have to develop their talent and passion,” he wrote in the letter to council also posted to the Foo Fighters social media pages.

“I believe that it is crucial that children have a place to explore their creativity and establish a sense of self through song.

“For the sake of your local band Black Leaves of Envy, and for the generations of young musicians that they may eventually inspire, I ask you reconsider the restrictions put upon the volume of their private rehearsal space.”

Asking the council to reconsider the ban he added that “I believe that in doing so, you will be sending a message that Cornwall is not only a home to music and the arts, but a place that encourages children to follow their dreams in a world where anything is possible.”

Grohl also wrote a separate letter to the band, giving them advice on soundproofing, with such tips as filling their block walls with sand and covering the floor with a rubber material.

Reports the BBC, 17 year old band member Adam Jones said the whole experience has been “surreal”. “Seeing the Foo Fighters tag you in a post on Facebook was just incredible,” he said.

Cornwall Council were quick to respond to Grohl (if not the Black Leaves of Envy) on Twitter, saying that they are “working to find a solution”.

Maybe we should write to him about the Lockout Laws.

You can read Grohl’s full letter here.

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