Falling In Reverse’s Ronnie Radke Gets Arrested For Assaulting A Fan

Memo to wannabe rock stars – unless you want to face a night in jail, don’t chuck your microphone stand into the crowd.

That’s exactly the fate that Ronnie Radke from Falling in Reverse has received following a gig in New Jersey on the weekend. DyingScene reports that as Falling in Reverse was closing out their set at New Jersey’s FestEVIL, Radke decided to end the show by hurling four microphone stands into the crowd.

At least one struck a female concertgoer in the head and gave her a pretty gnarly gash.

As a result, Radke was arrested by local police. There’s no word on bail yet and how it will impact on the rest of Falling in Reverse’s tour across North America.

Stints in jail are becoming pretty common for Radke lately – last month, he ended up behind bars for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend. That incident came after Radke spent two years in jail after violating probation for his role in the shooting death of a Nevada man.

Here’s footage of the incident – scroll to the 4.20 mark to see the mic stands go flying.

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