Frank Ocean’s Revealed An Eclectic List Of His Favourite Songs

Frank Ocean published a list of his favourite songs in his Boys Don’t Cry zine that came out with his record Blonde and now that list has made its way online.

Pages from the zine, like Kanye West’s McDonalds poem and Tyler The Creator’s poem, have made their way onto the internet in the past few days and now some charitable person of the internet has transferred a list of Frank’s favourite songs published in the zine into a Spotify playlist.

The lengthy list features an eclectic collection of songs spanning over decades of music. There are songs from The Cure and Prince but then there’s also cuts by Blonde collaborator James Blake and other contemporaries like GoldLink and D.R.A.M.

There are no huge surprises in there with each song vaguely reminiscent of the stripped-back sound that Blonde dishes up. He’s even included The Cure’s Boys Don’t Cry, which suggests exactly where he got the inspiration from for the zine title.

Along with a list of his favourite songs, he also shared his favourite movies. Again, it’s a lengthy list that pulls movies from numerous decades. Taxi Driver, Apocalypse Now, Psycho and Pulp Fiction are just a few noteworthy inclusions but you can check out the full list below.

Also, listen to the Spotify playlist and get inside Frank’s head for a moment. Hey, maybe it’ll help you adopt some of his genius.

Listen: Frank Ocean’s Favourite Songs

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