Grimes at the 2021 Met Gala
Image: Theo Wargo/Getty

Grimes Photographed Reading Marx, Says She Was “Trolling” Paparazzi

The simulation is getting weirder. Yesterday, photos of Grimes began circulating online that showed her in steampunk-esque garb reading a copy of Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto.

As you can imagine, reaction on the internet was divided fairly evenly into two camps – those who championed the stunt as a “power move” after Grimes’ split with billionaire tech-capitalist boyfriend Elon Musk, and those who were a little more skeptical about the musician’s intent.

Grimes has since elaborated on her social media, saying she realised she had “an opportunity to troll” after being stressed out from paparazzi following her over the last week. “I tried [to] think what I could do that would yield the most Onion-ish possible headline and it worked,” the musician wrote on Twitter.

She discussed her political leanings further on Instagram, explaining that though she was still living with Musk and was “not a communist” there were “some very smart ideas” in Marx’s seminal tome.

“But personally I’m more interested in a radical decentralized ubi that I think could potentially be achieved thru crypto and gaming but I haven’t ironed that idea out enough yet to explain it,” she added.

“Regardless my opinions on politics are difficult to describe because the political systems that inspire me the most have not yet been implemented). Anyway if paparazzi keep chasing me perhaps I will try to think of more ways to meme – suggestions welcome!”

In follow-up comments, Grimes said that she still “like[s] capitalism” and “fear[s] taking things away from [people] forcibly could create a police state”. Instead, she suggested she’s in favour of “a heavily modified version of capitalism that values human well-being”.

Truly we are living in the wildest timeline. Last week, Grimes shared a new song titled ‘LOVE’ which she said written in response to “all the privacy invasion, bad press, online hate, and harassment by paparazzi” she had experienced of late. See her most recent post below.


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