Hackers find Google’s music cloud

Google’s cloud-based music service exists! yes its true, Hackers have found if they install the leaked Honeycomb music player app in a certain way on Android they can sync music libraries with the Google servers. So it’s possible to stream music files remotely from Googles computers. So far it appears there is no space limit in the Cloud.

If you know how to access the cloud now then you should make the most of it! When the product is launched it’s expected that it will be a pay for service.

Apple have also been talking about a cloud service for a while, with rumours this week that they’ve been discussing with music labels about putting iTunes in the cloud and making purchased music available on a number of devices (backed up by a cloud service).

If Cloud music storage is the future of your music library, what are the implications of companies like google knowing what music you listen to? Could it be the solution to illegal music downloads for labels?

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